What is a Ranger

Acording to the Oakland Police Department Web Page

The mission of the Oakland Park Rangers is to improve the quality and safety of the parks in Oakland for the enjoyment of the community and to serve as a resource for park patrons.

The Rangers accomplish their mission by providing professional, courteous, and competent service and by employing creative and ethical crime–prevention and problem–solving practices.

Oakland's ten Park Rangers are responsible for patrolling 174 parks and recreation centers. They use vehicles, bicycles, and dual–purpose motorcycles to accomplish their duties.

An active component of the Ranger Section is the Volunteer Program. Volunteers identify problems within the parks and assist with the programs and enforcement efforts designed to eliminate those problems. Duties include Citizens on Patrol, Bicycle Patrol, Mounted Patrol, Field Office Representative, and Special Events.

The Rangers play a large role in maintaining a safe environment for children to enjoy the parks. Children are able to walk safely on trails, swim, and learn about the environment from the many volunteers who assist in these programs.

The Rangers exemplify what Community Policing is all about, working with volunteers together on a variety of issues to promote a safe environment in Oakland's recreation centers and to maintain the sanctity and tranquility of Oakland's parks.